The Power of Breath

Move Light
4 min readFeb 8, 2022

Did you know that 70% of toxins in your body are excreted through your lungs? Breathing is essential to life, but today we use less and less lung capacity. Think about it. When you are stressed, do you breathe deep or shallow? You’d be surprised how often we hold our breath!

Breathing is one of the most powerful tools we can use for self-regulation, energy generation, and overall health. Read more to learn how to control the power of your breath to relieve daily stress and improve your overall health.

The Benefits of deep breathing

Everyone has experienced stress. Chronic stress is considered a national epidemic that can lead to health problems like heart disease and digestive problems. Deep breathing sends a message to the brain to relax, which tells the body to reduce its stress response. In short, breathing retrains our nervous system to respond to triggers.

Improve your mood

In a series of papers in 2005, Brown and Gerbarg proposed a neurophysiological model for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and stress using yoga breathing exercises. They also presented a systematic review of evidence supporting the use of yoga breathing to manage stress, anxiety and depression.

Maintain and improve lung health

A systematic review in 2009 found that abdominal breathing exercises enhance important diaphragmatic strength and endurance and reduce breathing difficulties. Can help people with lung conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease control certain aspects of their disease, improving health care-related quality of life in the short and long term.

Relieve pain

Deep breathing triggers the release of endorphins, which not only helps create a sensation, but also fights pain.

Boost immunity

When your blood is fully oxygenated, it carries and absorbs nutrients and vitamins more efficiently. In essence, the cleaner the blood, the harder it is for the disease to stay in your system.

Lower blood pressure

When your muscles relax, this allows your blood vessels to dilate, which improves circulation and lowers blood pressure. Deep breathing also slows and regulates the heart rate, which also helps lower blood pressure.

Improve digestion

The deeper you breathe, the healthier blood flow you’ll generate, which in turn encourages your organs to function more efficiently, including your gut.

How to harness the power of breathing

Find time in your daily routine. Breathing exercises are quick and take just a few seconds to a few minutes a day to reap the benefits. Plan for rest and deep breathing throughout the day. Of course, take a moment to breathe between these set times if necessary.

Practice anytime, anywhere. Breathing techniques are easy to learn, and the OPUMP Breathing Trainer helps you practice them in your car, in the shower, at work, and even in a busy crowd. Whenever you feel the need to take a deep breath, take a deep breath!

Choose from a variety of exercises. Certain breathing exercises appeal to different people. Take the time to learn different techniques or stick with the ones you love.

If you want to calm down…

The 4–7–8 breathing

This technique is perfect for bedtime or any time you need a moment of calm. Come to a comfortable sitting position, close your eyes, and do the following:

●︎ Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth. Hold this position during practice.

●︎ Breathe in quietly through your nose for four seconds.

●︎ Hold your breath for 7 seconds.

●︎ Exhale forcefully through your mouth, pursing your lips and making a whooshing sound for eight seconds.

If you want to increase your energy……

Start with four cycles to feel the effects, but be careful not to sit more than eight times at a time.

Bellows breath

Bhastrika or bellows breathing is the first thing you do in the morning or afternoon when you’re down, or to get you pumped up for a workout. Get into a comfortable sitting position and do the following:

●︎ Breathe in and out through your nose.

●︎ tighten your stomach, pulling it in on the inhale and pushing it out on the exhale.

●︎ Holding this position, begin to exhale forcefully through your nose, then inhale deeply and forcefully

●︎ continue this operation at a rate of 1 second per cycle.

Start with 10 reps, followed by short normal breathing breaks of 15–30 seconds.

Five minutes of daily breathing exercises can make you more familiar with these energy techniques, while also providing you with major health benefits, such as better sleep and lower blood pressure.

In your lifetime, you will breathe about a billion times. Use them to your advantage. You can practice breathing anytime, anywhere! You can choose to try different techniques, find breathing exercises that work best for you, and use the power of your breath several times a day or several times a week to restore your body.

